Alle Artikel von Arne

Lambretta TV175 Supermonza

While it’s the off season in Europe, here on the West Coast of the US we’re enjoying 70 degree sunshine and are happily polishing up 2013’s projects. After some side tracking (a GT550 and an RD350 came along) this project has finally seen its completion (well, nearly).

pc2230465 speed gearbox, Supermonza kit, and a slew of other goodies that I had pieced together over the years all amount to a quite ridable and reliable super fast bike. Click here to see the whole article.

Lammy Jammy Portland, July 2011

When opportunity arises, grab it and run with it. So when the Lammy Jammy was announced to come to Portland, OR this year it was clear that I was going to ride the distance on the Lambretta. 800 miles of the country’s least known yet best coastal riding. Highway 1? Yes, but heading north!

We got a group of 3 people going and took off for the 3 day stint on Wednesday before the rally. To add a tint of adventure, there was to be no pace car and nothing but 50 year old technology to rely on.

Here’s the video of the ride:

ScootRS disc brake

Winter is rolling around once again (if you can call it that on the West Coast, it’s currently hovering around 70 degrees). So what better to do than throw some money at one of the neglected projects?

Ever since I replaced the front pads on the GP it hasn’t been stopping as well anymore. And with a new alleycat race for vintage bikes rolling around a little more stopping power surely wouldn’t hurt. So here it goes, the scootRS front disc that slots into the drum links was on. 1/2 hour project, less time than it takes to write this up.

It comes ready to bolt in.

Unbolt the original hub, keep the drum links in, and bolt this sucker back on. Only little bit of modification: it looks like the distance between the brake lever on the back plate and the slot is a bit (like an inch) longer than on the drum.

TV175/Series II – original San Francisco Bike

Wunder geschehen. So tauchte gestern eine TV175, 2. Serie, im Originalzustand in der Werkstatt auf. Ryan hatte den Erstbesitzer 4 Jahre lang bequasselt bis das Teil endlich verkauft wurde. Und das ganz besondere: sie wurde vom einzigen San Francisco Lambretta dealer der 60er Jahre verkauft, 1963. Seitdem in einer Hand. Sowas sieht man nicht alle Tage. Und jetzt die ganzen Dealer additions:

Dealer wiring loom for the turn signals

Dealer wiring loom for the turn signals

Der original vom Haendler angebrachte Kabelbau fuer Blinker.

Turn signal head set switch

Turn signal head set switch

Der Blinkerschalter.

Nipples ahem I mean turn signals

Nipples ahem I mean turn signals

Die total abgedrehten vorderen Blinker. Waren wohl mal gelb (hinten: rot!).

Orignal San Francisco dealer sticker

Orignal San Francisco dealer sticker

Der Dealer sticker. Wahnsinn. Der Dealer war mal auf Market/Valencia, heute der Beginn des Mission districts, ca. 1km von meiner Wohnung.

Funky Lambretta badge

Funky Lambretta badge

Ziemlich geiles Vigano Zierteil. Hab ich so auch noch nirgends gesehen.


Seit einigen Jahren treffen sich zu Ostern alle Lambrettafahrer der Bay Area. Dieses mal haben sich ca. 50 getroffen, auffallend viele Specials dieses Jahr. Die Fahrt ging ueber Crissy Fields, Golden Gate Bridge, Marin Headlands, Sausalito, Bridge, Presidio (wo Kelle bei seinem Besuch hier von den Cops richtig durchgenommen wurde), um dann beim SF Scooter Center in der Back Alley beim BBQ, DJ, und Parts Fare zu enden. Zum ersten Mal hab ich auch was gewonnen: eine Gallon 2-Takt Oel. Die Saison ist gerettet.

Lalo meeting point from an AF S-Type TV200

Lalo meeting point from an AF S-Type TV200

SX200 at Lalo

SX200 at Lalo

Lalo with GG bridge in background

Lalo with GG bridge in background

Pete, Ken, Schlafi at Lalo

Pete, Ken, Schlafi at Lalo